Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Jan 25th: Graphite Breakdowns

Yay! I'm caught up on my blogging! For the moment... Ok, so tonight I did what I hate the most. Breaking figures down into shapes. Some artists swear by this crap and insist that it works. So far... it's done nothing but confuse and frustrate me. I'd rather just draw the damn thing. However, seeing as my proportion absolutely SUCKS without a grid, I'm going to practice it regardless.

I hate breaking things into shapes because these "How to Draw" books say stuff like: "Draw three circles touching each other and three vertical lines." Which you do, and then the next frame there's a cow drawn. Yeah, the outline of a cow. From 3 circles. What...? Where's the picture of this cow so I can see how you broke the damn thing down into 3 circles! Gah! I tried drawing a face with a circle and some lines indicating where the person was looking, eye placement, etc, and ended up with probably the worst face I've ever drawn. Maybe as good as when I was five... but geez. I understand the point, I really do... but I don't think I get it. Now is the time when I really wish I could attend an art class... It's ok! Onward!

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