Monday, January 17, 2011

Jan 16th: Graphite

I would like to share how hard it is to do any kind of art when your favorite movie is playing in the background. I mean, The Empire Strikes Back has always demanded my undivided attention. Regardless, there was drawing. Basically, I kept drawing the baby's sleeve on the left over and over again... trying to figure out what the heck I did wrong. I accidentally erased part of the grid that's laid over the original photo and well... that messed up my sleeve. So I did what I could to put it right. That means taking a pencil and using it as a ruler to gauge distance and what not. That's another trick I learned from dad, although a lot of artists do it.
I got it closer, but got frustrated and decided to focus on the face instead. It was still too light so I smudged some charcoal onto the chamois and went nuts. Then I had to go back and lighten areas with my kneaded eraser and darken areas that got all smudged. Looking at it now compared to what I did yesterday... there really isn't much of a difference. I don't want to make it too dark, but I do want it to be clear that the baby's skin is a darker shade than her light pink clothes. I'll have to go back to it another time though, because today I'm going to start the Santiago's second painting.

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