Thursday, January 13, 2011

Jan 12th: Acrylic on Canvas

Yesterday my painting had to compete with the housework. The housework won. Well, that and Donnie Darko... which is a movie that I've seen 3 times now and I still don't get it. Anyways, I did paint, I swear. I worked on the dads' shirt and have a few areas left to blend, but it's otherwise done. The youngest sons' shirt is just white, but has around 4 shades of gray in it, so I worked on blending all that gray together. I also played around with a background color and can tell you right now that Black doesn't work. Not for this portrait anyway. So it's back to white. I'm stuck on the background. In the photo I'm going off of, the background is some fake tropical scene. I don't really care for it, so I'm not going to paint it. I don't want palm trees and such taking the focus off the subjects. I want a plain, dark-colored background that fades out as it gets closer to the family. I'm also leaning toward keeping it white. We'll see what happens.

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