Saturday, January 22, 2011

Jan 20th: Graphite

Thursdays are so crazy! I had a mere 30 minutes to do some sort of art because work was so busy. Usually there's some down time, but not so much Thursday... So, I all but finished the graphite portrait of the baby. The only thing I've got left to do is some very minor blending and her left sleeve. Other than that, it's done. I worked on the wrinkles of the clothes, getting the shading the right value/shape and making it more believable. She's got tiny flowers stitched on her little dress and I wasn't going to add them, but they were so simple that I did it anyway. I just took a tortillon, smeared it around in some 8B, and made little dash flowers and stitches. They're nothing elaborate, but I think they add a lot to the drawing. Tuesday I'll finish it completely. It's still not the darkness that I'd like it... but I don't know how to make it darker without making her look dirty or another ethnicity. That'll be something that I can work on this year.

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