Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Jan 31st: Charcoal Still Life

Yesterday night I snatched my dragon off of the fireplace mantle to draw it. I'm not good at still life's. Maybe it's because with a picture, the light never changes, the subject never moves and you can take it wherever you want. I also decided to work in charcoal which is another medium that I'm reluctant about. You can't really erase charcoal. One thing you can do is make it darker over your mistakes. So that's what I did. I started with an outline as light as I could draw it in vine charcoal and tried to focus on shape rather than detail. A big problem of mine is focusing too much on detail too early in the drawing and not on shape. That's when proportion gets messed up.

I decided to draw on bigger paper than I'm used to. I want to get used to drawing with larger arm movements rather than small, short hand movements. Once I'm used to it, drawing will be easier and I won't try to be so precise right off the bat. Smudging charcoal/graphite with your finger always makes me shudder, but yesterday I went for it. I know that over time the oils in your fingers could yellow the art. But since I'm just practicing, I smudged away. It worked pretty good. I think that for my charcoal work, that'll how I'll do blending unless I'm doing something that needs to last a long time. I'm doing better than expected. I wish there weren't so many scales...

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