Finally had some time to sit down and start to graph a portrait I need to do. Yup, it's another baby. A newborn actually, which probably explains why his hand is creepy and wrinkly... I've drawn a lot of babies, and I can honestly say that I've never seen a hand quite like it. Anyways, at the amazing art store that I drooled my way through the other day, I purchased a grid. I was hoping that it would be clear... because one would assume that clear would be the best way to go... but it's opaque white. I can see the portrait underneath it... I'm just afraid that the details don't show too well. I think what I'm going to do is use the grid for a general outline of main proportions and then remove the photo once I have that.
After some debate between my fiance and I as to the best way to convert the grid to the drawing paper (why is there always math everywhere?!) I drew an outline. Didn't get very far. I find the red lines to be distracting and my eyes didn't know which box to focus on to draw. So I'm not sure that buying a grid made my life any easier. I might just have to go back to drawing my own so my eyes don't fall out and it doesn't take me twice as long to draw a line.
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