Thursday, February 3, 2011

Feb 2nd: Watercolor and Pen

Watercolors are probably the hardest paint to deal with. You can't paint over your mistakes; you can only make them darker. The only experience I've had with watercolors was gained in elementary school with my Crayola set of 12 colors and a fraying paintbrush. Those were the days. Now I have this awesome stuff in tubes and I figure, I should try.

I started with something easy to practice. My fall-back is anime. So, I started with a basic outline of Tohru Honda (Fruba FTW!) in graphite. I then set about to paint her in watercolor. It was pretty much as hard as I expected it to be. Colors bleed together. Skin tone is pretty hard to acquire without looking too orange, too yellow, too brown... etc. So I settled on orange because that was close enough. In real life, the color isn't so horrifying until you see the shading on her neck. Wrong color plus the paper got so wet that it started to come apart. Yay...

Watercolors alone weren't going to work for a final product. It was too blah and in desperate need of some outlining. So I outlined Tohru in india ink and it looks much better. So, it's ok. Not the best watercolor, but passable.

I'll have to practice more to get the hang of it.

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