It's been a busy couple of weeks! I'm doing two things at once and switch between them when I get frustrated.
The cup o' coffee meter on my inception painting is up to 9 now. I'm more and more pleased with it this week. There's still SO much to do on it. I ended up turning on the movie and pausing it again for comparison. Well, the biggest thing is color. The hues in the movie are dreary. They're more bright in my painting but I think I like it that way. I can't see his freaking eyes at all! Stupid screen resolution! I really wish I had a good high quality picture to paint from.
To me, the painting doesn't quite look like the actor; so I've gone and saved 3 or 4 pics of his face in a similar angle. This will give me things this screen shot won't like skin tone and all the things that distinguish him.
The anime is much easier of course but I must admit that I'm struggling with a background. I had this idea of a multicolored, multi layered night sky. With deep purples and blues and black. It kind of, sort of worked. But it's too dark. Too much black. Also, it needs stars. So I thought, watercolor! You can get some pretty awesome sky effects when you do a wash.
As it turns out, the watercolor paper I just bought is pretty heavy and amazing. But I've never done a wash on paper like it. To do an effective wash, the paper pretty much has to be soaked. I had issues keeping this paper wet. And so it's all streaky :( but it's ok. I think I can fix it later tonight by going over it again. I'm going to try to make "stars" using salt when the paper is still wet. We'll see!
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