Thursday, September 6, 2012

Sept 5th: Portrait in Graphite

Today I began work on the third and final kid.  I've found during this drawing that it was extremely helpful to keep a copy on my phone.  This way I was able to zoom when I needed and have both black and white and color copies.  In the past, I've only used photos that I've digitally made black and white to better see contrast.  But this only works if you're using a really high quality photo.  The ones that I'm using turned out looking grainy after I printed them out.  It was pretty hard to see details.  So it makes it a lot easier to have a copy on my phone that I can reference to see things more clearly.  Just random knowledge I guess.
So right away I noticed that my outline of the girls face is off.  Too narrow.  I had to widen her cheeks and change her hairline.  Usually what I do is measure everything from the eyes on.  So I have to make absolutely sure that the eyes are in the right place and the right size.  If they're off, then the rest of the face will be off.  It's kind of a wierd way to draw.  Most people just draw the shape of the face first.  Maybe that's my problem.  I think I may be going about drawing the face all backwards. 

Whatever works. 
So, once more I began with defining the major areas of her face and where the lightest and darkest areas are.  Right now, she just looks goofy because I don't have really any middle tones going on and all you can see is that crooked smile haha.  Tomorrow I'll  pretty much finish her face.  She's got a simple, straight on face like her brother (at least I think it's her brother... they have very similiar facial features) and shouldn't take long at all.  The only detail about her portrait will be from the ribbon in her hair.  Otherwise, I shouldn't have too many problems.  I plan on being completely done with this drawing on Friday! 

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