Thursday, September 27, 2012
Sept 27th: Finished Jedi in Acrylic
I really wanted to get the lighting right. Without the correct lighting, the passion would be missing. If only one emotion gets through in this painting, I hope it's rage. He's pissed.
By the way, if you ever endeavor to paint with neon acrylics some day, they are very opaque and I would highly recommend mixing them with white. Otherwise, they may not show up. Overall, I'm ok with everything but his face. The toy I was painting from was... well... a toy and the facial features weren't exact. So there was some fudging. I'm assuming from his garb and the color of his lightsaber that people will be able to tell that it's Luke.
Fine. No more time-wasting. I'm on to the difficult oil painting of doom! Bring it.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Sept 26th: Skywalking in Acrylic
Oh blog, my long productive run with you may be over. Once again I have a full time job. Unfortunately, my art doesn't bring enough money in to support me fully. So a slave to the establishment I must be.
As the last bit of art as a free woman, I chose to work on my Jedi. Something fun and non-commital. I chose this because I wanted to prove to myself that I can draw from a 3d figure. Primarily I can only draw from the static form of a 2D picture. This helps me break free.
Setting up one particularly anguished looking Luke Skywalker figure and a desk lamp, I got some pretty dramatic lighting. I chose only to paint the reflection the lightsaber would make on his body. It's difficult to leave the painting for any amount of time because you must remember exactly how your head was positioned, exactly how you were sitting, etc. But acrylics are forgiving.
I sincerely hope that this job will be much less tiring than the last and I can still come home and paint. Even if its only for an hour a day.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Sept 23rd (the sequel): My In-between Painting
Tonight I've begun my fun painting. For those times when I'll be frustrated with this next oil painting to come. And I know I will be. So during those times, I'll be painting my dear friend Luke. I love this toy. I've always wanted to paint it in all its epicness. So here's my in-between fun art :D
Sept 23rd: Finished Graphite Portrait
Oh glorious day blog! The graphite drawings are done for awhile! And I managed to make the youngest kid look cute and normal rather than creepy. Adorable+horrifying=adorifying.
To solve my problem, I over-emphasized the roundness of his cheeks and widened his squinty eyes. This worked well. That and fleshing out the dark spots to make him look less like a vengeful ghost or something. I'm happy with it for the most part. On taking a second scrutinizing look, I think that the eyes on the older boy are off... Even though his head is tilted in the picture and his right eye appears to be higher than the left, it didn't translate entirely in this drawing. So, if I had to change one thing, it would be lowering the right eye slightly. But I don't think it's too off to be distracting... is it? I think it'll be something their parents will be happy about.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Sept 21st: Struggles with...Creepiness
I'm drawing the 2nd child and as he emerges from my pencil I notice that he looks quite unnerving. Like he's about to murder his older brother. And I laugh and keep drawing because all faces look creepy when they're incomplete.
But now as I have all the features defined ...this kid might be doomed to creepiness. The only photo I have of him is this one where he's looking at the camera through his hair and shadows have formed around his eyes. Seeing as his older brother has no darkness around his eyes, the youngest appears sinister!
I may have to modify a few things because as it stands, I don't want to cast this kid in a negative light. It's kind of a funny problem but may impede my work. That can't stand.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Sept 20th: Graphite and More Graphite
Yesterday I'm fairly sure I would have completed this kid. But I spent yesterday lamenting my existence and how I have no job to speak of. So instead of productive, self-bettering things like working on my craft, I wallowed in self-pity for 24 hours. I'm happy to say I've come back with more resolve today.
Working on this shirt. If I thought the other kids had a lot of clothing details, I take it back. This kids shirt is covered in...stuff. My job as an artist is to figure out what details need to be prominent and defined and what can be faded into the background. Too much detail and it'll distract from the boys face. Too little and you assume he's wearing a dirty, smudgy shirt.
My best friends here are my tissues and kneaded eraser. Strategic smudges with tissue and blotting with eraser looks like designs. Quicker than attempting to draw everything going on with this shirt. The shirt will be done in an hour or so and I can start the other boy. Coffee scale so far: 5 cups.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Sept 18th: Graphite Kid
I think my time spent drawing can be measured by how many cups of coffee it takes to complete. This one regesters a 3 on the coffee scale so far.
Today I made everything way darker. Bringing the darkest shades from a 2B to a 6B. And, horror of horrors, my 8B pencil has gone missing. Which sucks! So I tried to substitute charcoal. Nope. Very dark but too soft. It came off as soon as I tried to blend it. So I'll have to make do with layering on the 6B. It's not bad looking.
The kids eyes were the toughest challenge today. At one point too Asian, at another, too Anglo. I think perhaps I made his top lash line too dark...but I'm committed at this point. The face is done. Tomorrow I'll draw his shirt.
Sept 17th: More Graphite
I don't know if it's the ridiculously beautiful fall weather or what, but I had to force myself to draw today. Too antsy.
Last in line for this round of drawings is 2 more kids. I would like to remind everyone out there that to start a pencil drawing, start with a hard graphite. This gives you the lightest preliminary sketch possible and erases completely. I personally like F graphite for this. Anything 2B or softer will be much too dark.
The pictures I have to go off of are not the best. But I'll make do. One of the hazards of being an artist is guesswork.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Sept 16th: Finished Graphite Infant Portrait
I did somehow manage to make the hat look better with suggestions from my husband. As usual, when you're too close to the project, it tends to blind you. All I saw was pencil marks and smudges everywhere. He suggested making the holes darker and more blotchy. There's just sooo much delicate shading all over that I probably could have dedicated a week to the hat if I were to do an extremely accurate portrayal. This is one instant where it would have been easier to paint the hat. Never thought I'd see the day when I'd say that.
I gave the kid a belly button since the photo still displays a nub of umbilical cord attached and shaded the right side on a body part that I can only guess is a bit of foot. Not sure. Weird angle.
Overall, I think that this is passable. I really like how the wrinkly legs turned out but the hat just disappoints me :( However, I think I've learned some valuable things from this drawing as far as knitting goes. I'm more hopeful for future drawings that might have knitting in them. Also today, I'm starting my last pencil drawing for a while. Then I'll have many paintings to do!
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Sept 15th: Graphite Struggles
Stupid hat!!! Gah. Basically today, all I did was work on this hat. I made more holes. More holes everywhere. But holes weren't enough. There's marks everywhere on this cursed hat. So I put random marks. Smudges. More marks. Smudges. Darker marks. Smudges.
Then I got frustrated and drew the giant flower. That gave me about 10 minutes of stalling. I like the flower...and the hat looks better...but it's still not there. Not sure what to do. I think there needs to be more contrast. Darks need to be darker. I really wish this kid was wearing a Beanie!
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Sept 11th: Graphite Infant Portrait
Monday, September 10, 2012
Sept 10th: Graphite Portrait
I think that I'm going to be able to finish this one in 3 days. Maybe 2. It all depends on how distracted I get. I'll be really surprised if I don't finish it on Tuesday. There's not much complication to it. The hat is knitted which in the past would scare me, but since I've developed a technique with tortillons for knitted hats, I'm not intimidated anymore. There's also a large flower on the hat, but if I don't over-obsess with detail and just draw, I should be ok. That's the trick though.
I think that the lighting in the photo is slightly garish and the drawing actually gives a more peaceful feel to the kid. Also, after working on all those older kids, it's messing with my sense of proportion. I mean, if you tried to draw irises on an older person as big as they are for this baby, they'd look like an alien! But babies have weird proportions all their own and that's helpful to remember.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Sept 7th: Finished Graphite Portrait
Friday, September 7, 2012
Sept 6th: Portrait in Graphite and Cartooning in Pen
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Sept 5th: Portrait in Graphite
So right away I noticed that my outline of the girls face is off. Too narrow. I had to widen her cheeks and change her hairline. Usually what I do is measure everything from the eyes on. So I have to make absolutely sure that the eyes are in the right place and the right size. If they're off, then the rest of the face will be off. It's kind of a wierd way to draw. Most people just draw the shape of the face first. Maybe that's my problem. I think I may be going about drawing the face all backwards.
Whatever works.
So, once more I began with defining the major areas of her face and where the lightest and darkest areas are. Right now, she just looks goofy because I don't have really any middle tones going on and all you can see is that crooked smile haha. Tomorrow I'll pretty much finish her face. She's got a simple, straight on face like her brother (at least I think it's her brother... they have very similiar facial features) and shouldn't take long at all. The only detail about her portrait will be from the ribbon in her hair. Otherwise, I shouldn't have too many problems. I plan on being completely done with this drawing on Friday!