Friday, March 11, 2011

Mar 4th- Mar 11th: Graphite Portrait

Well, it's official. Until we move and get internet, this is going to be a weekly blog. So lame... so very, very lame. So this week, I haven't done much. Surprised? Yeah. Just to give you some kind of idea, last night I was so tired after work that I skipped karate and went to bed at 8:30. My fingers hurt and are throbbing as I type. I'm really not used to it! It's hard to explain the wear on my fingers except to say that medial tubing being crammed into tight sensors will give you callouses and cuts. Aaaaanyways, what I did do was more minor adjustments.

The only good thing about not being able to do art every day is that I have the benefit of coming back to it fresh. So the mistakes stick out better and I can fix them. I think I moved the entire nose up. I re-drew the eyes and then, for good measure, drew them again so that they're open a little. At least, I hope that's what it looks like... And I fixed the fingers. As of right now, I have to add some wrinkles on this kids hand and then start making holes EVERYWHERE so that he's surrounded by knitting. Should be a blast. I really miss being able to do art everyday. I hope that I can figure out some kind of way to start it up again. This weekly thing is kind of lame isn't it?

Friday, March 4, 2011

Feb 27th- Mar 3rd: Graphite Portrait

I might have to start posting by the week now because I'm so busy! Don't get me wrong, I love being busy now. It's a nice change. And it's not that I don't have time to do art anymore, it's just that getting to some place with wireless after I've been working all day isn't exactly easy. Especially when the wireless places everywhere close at like 9. I know, excuses, excuses. Anyways, I've been working on the graphite portrait for probably 20 minutes a night. Just doing little things. The grid, ultimately, didn't work for me. I ended up erasing the lines and removing the photo from the grid back. Once again, despite the grid I found issues and had to correct them. His face was too chubby and the eye on the right was too far up. Why, why, why do my grids not work? I need a new approach.

Babies are more simple to draw as far as I'm concerned. They're proportions are wierd, but somehow this doesn't bother me. Also, maybe it's because most babies look alike when they're first born and so no one can really tell how badly I screw up! Haha. Just kidding. Maybe.

The photo that I'm working from is black and white which really helps with determining value. So far, I've only worked this drawing in HB, seeing as I can't seem to locate my 2H pencil... I think I might have left it somewhere in my previous job's building. I know, fabulous right? Anywho, it's much easier to see shading values and such when a photo's black and white.
So I liposuctioned the cheeks and fixed the eye. Once I get the face where I need it, everything else will fall into place and then I can start on the knitted blanket of doom that this kid is lying on. Oh and bonus! The hat's knitted too... and so today I shall continue my endless string of corrections and keep wishing I could attend art school. Good news is that I got off early today and won't be too exhausted to draw.
Randomly, between training and reading until my eyes fall out at my new job, I've been sketching things around the office on my legal pad. It helps the time pass when I'm waiting for my boss to come back and tell me what to do next. I'll probably post these sometime when I'm lazy and have nothing to post. Haha. The library allows laptops to check out now so I'll have internet for a few days... so no excuses if I don't have regular posts. Oh my internet! Where have you gone?! Why must you make my blogging so very difficult?